Commit only 2 hours a day to study, and STILL Ace your NMLS Exam.

The Trend of Studying for Hours: Is It Necessary to Ace the NMLS Test?

It is intriguing to observe the current trend of students competing to study for the longest duration, as I myself have engaged in such practices. However, it is worth pondering about those who boast about studying less and still achieving top grades, without resorting to last-minute cramming. I refer to the individuals who possess confidence in their abilities and have a natural aptitude for learning, including those with exceptional memory or conditions like Asperger’s.

Maximizing Study Time: The Three D’s Framework for Better Learning Habits

It is likely that the majority of students who study less do so as a result of their habits. Therefore, I will explain the three D’s, a straightforward framework that can help you reduce your study time. These habits are not limited to studying and can be applied to any work. However, for the purposes of this video, I will concentrate on studying. Interestingly, during my academic journey, I gradually learnt how to decrease my study time, from high school to medical school. Initially, I immersed myself in studying, but I realized I needed to allocate more time to sports, girlfriend, and friends. Our love for creating skits and videos also consumed a significant portion of our time, prompting me to make some adjustments.How to Study Only 2 Hours a Day yet STILL Ace your Exams

Mastering the Three D’s: Defining Key Concepts for Success on the NMLS Test

The initial crucial habit, which is one of the three D’s, is defining. It may seem easy, but it is often underestimated. The key is to identify what you need to know and disregard the irrelevant details. The first step is to review the syllabus, where some instructors provide all the necessary information, including the percentage of topics that will be tested. If the syllabus is incomplete, seek clarification from the teacher by attending office hours or raising strategic questions such as the importance of a topic or the possible type of test questions. It is important to ask such questions tactfully to avoid giving the impression of being solely grade-driven rather than focused on learning..

Effective Strategies for NMLS Test Success: Asking Questions, Seeking Advice, and Targeting Weaknesses

Assume the role of a proactive student who inquires about the relevance of the subject matter to the exam as this is a common concern of the entire class. By doing so, you will gain the admiration of your classmates. Another effective strategy is to seek guidance from senior students who have previously taken the course. For instance, I received comprehensive notes from a fellow senior who had completed the APR History course prior to me, which included highlightings, and detailed information on what to expect in the exam. As a result, I was well-prepared for the test. Furthermore, it is essential to identify your strengths and weaknesses by taking practice quizzes and solving problem sets. This approach will save time as you will avoid revising the areas you already understand. This was my key takeaway from high school.

Top Valedictorian Shares Productive Habits for Success in University and Beyond, Including Going Digital

I performed admirably in my studies and graduated as valedictorian. Initially, I attempted to enter medical school straight out of high school, but the high level of competition made me realize that my skills and achievements were limited. Although I had good grades, I lacked the breadth of experiences that would have made me a more well-rounded applicant. Upon enrolling in university, I knew that I needed to make significant changes to my approach. I recognized that I needed to maximize my time and diversify my activities beyond academics by engaging in clubs, sports, research, part-time work, and volunteer opportunities. Additionally, I adopted a useful habit of going digital which complemented my more traditional note-taking style. I found this shift to be beneficial and recommend it to others.

Maximizing Efficiency: Going Digital for Note-Taking and Pre-Recorded Lectures

My suggestion is not to necessarily purchase expensive electronic devices such as MacBooks or iPads, but rather explore more cost-effective options that will ultimately prove their worth by saving you time in the long run. In my view, digital note-taking surpasses traditional paper-based methods in every aspect – from efficient file management and portability to instant search capabilities via Control + Find, image manipulation, and the ability to share notes with peers. While the option of abstaining from note-taking altogether exists, this is a separate matter. If interested, there are readily available pre-recorded lectures, often podcast versions of past lectures, offered by most university professors on their websites as the content remains relatively consistent over time.

Maximizing Study Time for NMLS Exam Prep: Utilizing YouTube and Pre-Recorded Lectures

I opt to download lecture recordings and view them at an accelerated pace while enjoying the convenience of doing so from the comfort of my own residence. Although some courses may require compulsory attendance, I do my best to avoid missing classes. I have discovered that YouTube offers an abundant supply of pre-recorded instructional videos from reputable entities like Princeton, Kaplan, and Khan Academy, particularly beneficial for medical students like myself, who can access content from Osmosis and Sketchy Medical. Additionally, my fellow classmates have also created their own YouTube channels, where they often provide superior instruction to that of our professors. In light of this, I suggest creating a YouTube channel and applying the Feynman technique to teach your peers, thereby fortifying your own mastery of the subject matter. This approach is advantageous for everyone involved.

Going Digital with RemNote: The Ultimate Game-Changer for NMLS Test Success with Digital Flashcards

The third aspect of transitioning to digital learning, which I found particularly transformative, involves utilizing digital flashcards. I cannot overstate the value of utilizing flashcards, as they employ active recall, spaced repetition, and interleaving concurrently. If I were asked to attribute my success in medical school to a single factor, it would undoubtedly be digital flashcards. It is important to note that the flashcards employed must possess built-in spaced repetition software. While I initially used On-key, my colleague Matty and I are currently developing a startup called RemNote, which I believe to be the premier flashcard app for students.

Efficiently Ace the NMLS Test with Space, Repetition, and Flashcards on Your Phone

For those who are unfamiliar with the utilization of space, repetition, and flashcards, essentially, it entails utilizing a mobile app to access flashcards, with an embedded algorithm that analyzes areas of strength and weakness. The algorithm facilitates a customized study schedule that helps to prioritize weakness areas, minimizing time spent on strengths. Employing this approach to learning reduces overall study time. To optimize convenience, it’s recommended to use a mobile device for accessing flashcards, affording opportunities to study during brief intervals of idle time, such as waiting in line or commuting. By capitalizing on these short periods, they accumulate to minimize total study time.

RemNote: The Ultimate Time-Saving Spaced Repetition Flashcard App for NMLS Test Prep

I believe RemNote stands out among other spaced repetition flashcard apps because it provides an efficient solution for generating flashcards automatically from notes, saving users a significant amount of time. As former medical students, my colleague Matty and I understand the struggles of creating flashcards and are constantly striving to address any inefficiencies with the tool we wished we had during our studies. For those who prefer using pre-made flashcards, we have compiled our medical school flashcards exclusively on RemNote and plan to share them gradually. If you’re interested in trying it out, RemNote is free to use (link provided in the description).

Developing Deep Work Habits for Success in Medical School and Beyond

After completing university, I encountered a greater volume of complex material. However, I managed to reduce the amount of time I dedicated to studying by adopting the third habit in our framework, known as deep work. This concept, inspired by Cal Newport’s “Deep Work” book, emphasizes the ability to remain concentrated, focused and productive. Eliminating multitasking is the initial step one needs to take to achieve effective deep work, as research indicates that it can impede our efficiency.

Maximizing Study Efficiency with Deep Work and Pomodoro Technique for NMLS Exam Success

To achieve this level of productivity, I recommend implementing two strategies: first, eliminate multitasking; second, utilize the Pomodoro method. If multitasking is necessary, Pomodoro is an excellent tool to use. To implement this method, set a timer for a designated period of time, such as 30 minutes to an hour, and concentrate solely on your work during that timeframe. After the allotted time, take a break for 15-20 minutes and utilize that time to completely disengage from work-related activities.

Maximizing Deep Work Productivity for NMLS Test Preparation: Tips and Strategies

To optimize your focus and productivity, it’s important to commit to one task at a time. Whether that be watching anime or basketball, use the Pomodoro technique to keep yourself on track. By delaying gratification and rewarding yourself with an episode or game after a successful study session, you will reinforce the importance of staying focused. Additionally, creating a ritual around your designated study time and location can significantly enhance your deep work ability. Find a comfortable and convenient spot, play music you enjoy, and make a habit of studying there at the same time each day. By conditioning your brain to associate this time and place with deep work, you can streamline your focus and get into a productive mindset more easily.

Maximize Study Efficiency with These Proven Tips for Better Grades

Efficient deep work can significantly decrease study time, allowing for more activities like hobbies, socializing, side hustles, and overall life enjoyment. However, if you are someone who genuinely enjoys studying and desires to spend a substantial amount of time on it, that is perfectly acceptable. Employing the aforementioned habits will undeniably enhance academic performance, and for further evidence-based study tips, refer to our video accessible by clicking the screen. Thank you for watching, and I look forward to seeing you there.

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